K9 Trials – Score Sheets

Our K9 Trial Score Sheets
Score sheets always seem to be an issue for some reason. Please use the score sheets below! Click on each individual sheet to download, then feel free to change the heading and add a watermark to reflect your agency or trial name if you want.
Score sheets for each phase of competition need to be on DIFFERENT COLOR PAPER! This is crucial for thhe persons in charge of score keeping and will help in accuracy and expediting the process. (Example: Search – blue, OB – pink, Agility – yellow, etc.)
The number of score sheets needed is dependent on the number of judges judging the particular phase times the number of competitors. (See below example). Always include extras. Occasionally a judge in training will attend and another set of score sheets will be needed. WSPCA will make every attempt to notify the host agency if a training judge will be attending.
At a minimum, plan for 30 competitors. With this number in mind:
Narcotics Vehicle – 2 judges x 30 competitors = 60 score sheets
Narcotics Building – 2 judges x 30 competitors = 60 score sheets
Search – 6 judges x 30 competitors = 180 score sheets
Agility – 3 judges x 30 competitors = 90 score sheets
Obedience – 3 judges x 30 competitors = 90 score sheets
Protection – 6 judges x 30 competitors = 180 score sheets
To be safe, always plan for more and make extra copies. It’s better to have too many printed than not enough!
The agility score sheets MUST list the obstacles in the same order as they will be addressed by the canine team during the competition.
The Protection score sheets should contain four phases.
Click on image to enlarge, download and/or print.
Sharing our passion for police canine